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Thursday, September 23, 2010


In front of person we love, our heart will move fast
But in front of person we like, our heart will be happy

In front of person we love, the season always flowering
In front of person we like, the season just winding

If we look through the eye of person we love, we will freeze
If we look through the eye of person we like, we will smile

In front of person we love, we can’t say even a word
In front of person we like, we free to say anything

In front of person we love, we become shy
In front of person we like, we become our selves

We can’t looking to the eye of the person we love
But we always looking into the eye of person we like

When our lover cry, we cry together
But when the person we like cry, we try to make them happy

The feeling of love start from words…
The feeling of like start from ear…

So, if we stop liking somebody we like. It’s like we throwing away our ears. But if we close our eye. Love will become tears. Everybody will experience this in their life…

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Muslim Women, Marriage & Family Life

And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts); verily in that are signs for those who reflect. [ Quran 30:21 ]

Islam brought women from the position of chattel in marriage to that of equal partners. In the matter of divorce, she changed from a completely impotent bystander, to one who could initiate divorce proceedings and claim her rights of dowry and inheritance. From a position of legal nonetity, she became a legal personality in the full sense of the term, able to hold property, entitled to a just share of her husband's and family's inhereitance property. Socially, with education equally required of her as well as of every man by Islam, she rose to a position of social and cultural influences and service. Even in religio-cultic practices and duties, woman was asked and expected to play a role equal to that of man, insofar as her special physical characteristics and maternal duties allowed. -- Lois Lamya Al-Faruqi Women, Muslim Society and Islam

analytical thinker

Generally speaking, analytic (from Greek ἀναλυτικός - analytikos) refers to the "having the ability to analyze" or "division into elements or principles."

its about analyze anything you heard or read into something new or processed data by interconnecting things you already new with the new thing learn... its a more fun way to study this remarkable world...